Southern Utah Tour


We Mesanites are fortunate to live near one of the most scenic areas on earth, Northern Arizona and Southern Utah. So let’s take advantage of it. We are planning a relaxed week long trip that includes the Grand Canyon, Zion, Cedar Breaks, Brice, Capital Reefs, Canyon Lands and Arches National Monument. The average mileage for the trip is 235/d, and during the Utah stay is less than 200/d. There will be plenty of time to enjoy the scenery, relax, and most importantly, BS. We stay at facilities where we park in front of the rooms, rather than those with internal hallways. This offers common places to gather.

Two room prices are listed. The lowest is for one person, and the highest for four. I was surprised at how many reservations some of the places already had, so get your reservations in soon. If the listed hotel is full and you are having trouble finding a place call me and I will see if I can help. Indeed, the whole town of Torrey was booked, so we are staying at the Snuggle Inn about 20 miles NW. One of the places offered group rates, but only if we reserved as a group. I am not up to that. Making my own reservations taxed my organizational skills to the limit. Give them membership info like AAA or seniors status if applicable. When making your reservation you might note that you are with Chet Shupe. Our rooms may end up closer together that way.

All riders, including car or Jeep tagalongs, are welcome. If you can’t make the whole run join us for what you can. E-mail me about your plans and provide phone numbers so I can create a list. Any issues call me: 480.835.9714. Let us have an unreasonably good time. We will be leaving on June 16th at Denies at Country Club and Southern at 6:30 AM


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