In October of 1978 Chapter “D” was originally formed into what is now known as a GWRRA Charter (GWRRA itself was started in 1977 in the Phoenix area). Chapter D was the 4th such Chapter in Arizona; it is now and always has been based in Mesa, AZ. Chapter D is the largest of the Arizona District Chapters (16 in all).

We meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month, and since we do not have bad weather here we have the pleasure of riding year-round.  Chapter D is a group that very much enjoys the company of visiting riders and we offer a warm welcome to our visitors, especially those who come to escape the cold winter months of other states!

Chapter D has a staff of 23 hard working people that help to ensure all of our times together are fun filled hours of enjoyment. Chapter D goes to Rocky Point, Mexico twice a year for several days.  The wonderful memories of the trip are talked about throughout the year. We also plan a full week vacation trip once a year to sites in the Rocky Mountains, and several other over night and three day rides. We love our State, the Mountain ranges which surround us  provide scenic beauty unsurpassed anywhere in the US.A.  When you are in the area, come ride with us!