Kitt Peak National Observatory – We will leave Kit Peak at 2 pm.
Chapter will provide lunch for free
You may purchase poker hands at $5 each, all proceeds will go to the COY/IOY fund.
After meeting ride to Oracle Patio Cafe for lunch, then a poker run for COY/IOY from Oracle to Winkleman, Superior then home. $5 a hand, high hand and low hand payouts.
Trying someting NEW
Hotel and Camping Options. Flyer to follow.
Payson, Mormon Lake, Jerome, Prescott loop estimated just over 400 miles. There will be a lunch stop.
We will leave from the Chevron on Goldfield at 10:00 am, 3265 S Goldfield Rd, Apache Junction, AZ 85219 and ride out to Tortilla Flats for lunch then maybe some ice cream before riding back home.